In Travel Nursing

As another year comes to a close, the team at AB Staffing wishes you a safe and healthy holiday season! We appreciate you and your dedication to caring for patients nationwide. We’re taking this time to share our top travel nursing blog posts. Whether you’re a new traveler, a seasoned professional, or are beginning to explore the possibilities, we’re here to support you on your journey. Get cozy, and let’s review!

2024 Top Travel Nursing Blog Posts 

  1. Provider Spotlight ED Travel Nurse Natalia: Natalia was inspired to become a nurse after receiving exceptional care after a car accident. She has been an ED Travel Nurse since 2016 and said the most challenging part of traveling is leaving people and places you love. Read more about Travel Nurse Natalia.
  2. 2024 Travel Nurse Gift Guide: We understand you’re on a budget as a travel nurse. This year, we have ideas for all budgets, from under $50 to over $300. Let Santa bring you a treat from our gift guide! Check out the 2024 Travel Nurse Gift Guide.
  3. What you Can and Cannot Negotiate on your Travel Nurse Contract: Our recruiters stay on top of current trends in the industry, including what you can and cannot negotiate. Working with your recruiter will help you understand what is possible. Communicate your needs and wants, and of course, your wish list, with them so they can find the best fit for you. Here’s our article to help you negotiate your travel nurse contract.
  4. How to Maximize Your Earnings as a Travel Nurse: Staying organized is key to maximizing earnings. Updating your resume for each job and certification and having it digitally available to send to your recruiter is essential. Asking whether overtime is available, utilizing float opportunities, and working weekends and holidays are tactical ways to expand your experience. Read the top blog post on maximizing earnings as a travel nurse.
  5. Choosing Your First Travel Nursing Assignment: This article is helpful for those considering becoming a travel nurse. From evaluating facilities and opportunities and understanding benefits and contracts to adapting to new cultures and balancing your new lifestyle, we offer our tips for Choosing Your First Travel Assignment.
  6. Balancing Travel and Work: A Wellness Guide for Travel Nurses: Speaking of balance, we wrote a blog post on this topic just for you! We offer tips on establishing routines and self-care and building a support network of other travelers as the most important parts of balancing travel and work.
  7. Mastering Networking: Essential Strategies for Travel Nurses Seeking Opportunities: Get to know your coworkers. Ask your recruiter if there are other travelers from the agency at your workplace or in your city that you can meet. Cast your net wide whenever possible by attending industry conferences. This will strengthen your circle and expand opportunities. Read more about Mastering Networking.
  8. Insider Tips for First-Time Travel Nurses: Signing your first travel contract is as exciting as intimidating. This article explores what to pack, how to pack, set realistic expectations, manage stress, and what to avoid as you create your life on the road. If you’re thinking of becoming a travel nurse, check out our blog post of Insider Tips.
  9. Transitioning from Traditional Nursing to Corrections What to Expect: This article explores the differences and similarities in patient care between traditional nursing and corrections nursing. Setting boundaries, asking for help, and following set protocols will help you stay safe and succeed in this growing field. Read more in our blog post, Transitioning from Traditional to Corrections Nursing.
  10. A Guide to Building a Robust Travel Nurse Resume: Marketing yourself is challenging! Travel nursing resumes differ from other occupations because your job may change every few months; the average travel nurse contract is 13 weeks. Keeping your resume updated highlighting your successes and experiences for the next opportunity comes faster than if you were in traditional nursing. In A Guide to Building a Robust Travel Nurse Resume, we offer actionable ways to keep your resume fresh so you can continue traveling.

THANK YOU for all you do to care for patients!

We hope these articles are helpful as you navigate the world of travel nursing. Reach out to us if you’re interested in learning more about our available assignments.

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