Locum Tenen Staffing
AB Staffing Solutions is the gold standard of Locum Tenens placements.
We source and qualify world class Physicians and Advanced Practice Professionals in all specialties to provide Locum Tenens services directly with healthcare organizations across the United States. Our experienced team is dedicated to securing the best talent to meet the unique demands of your practice. We demonstrate our commitment to the highest industry standards through our active membership in the National Association of Locum Tenens Organizations® (NALTO®).
AB Staffing has been a leader in the Locum Tenens market since 2002 and during that time we have built an extensive database of providers. Whether you’re looking for Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Family Nurse Practitioners or something in between, we continually make the investments necessary to ensure we can produce the providers you need.
Learn How We Can Help

Why AB Staffing?
- Over 20 years of experience in Locum Tenens Staffing
- National Association of Locum Tenens Organizations® (NALTO®) Member
- Malpractice insurance, travel, lodging, and provider compensation
- Experienced Credentialing team to assist with credentialing, privileging and licensure

How does the process work?
AB Staffing devotes one account manager to your organization that is an expert in all specialties. The account manager takes the responsibility off your plate; finding and screening providers, facilitating interviews, overseeing credentialing, and managing providers once on assignment.
Have your own process? No problem.
We will modify our processes to make working with AB Staffing simple, efficient and productive. Our number one goal is to find you the coverage you need at a competitive value.