Many years ago, jobs that involved being paid to travel were often limited to the military or flight attendants. Traveling nurses who work across the United States are cashing huge paychecks using their medical expertise to give back to communities in need while getting paid to explore and learn about new cultures.
Travel nurses can enjoy long exciting careers all across the U.S. and even internationally. Let’s take a look at how travel nurses overcome some of the obstacles they face in their careers.
Getting Licensed
Part of working out of state as a nurse is that different territories may have other requirements when it comes to licensing. Your current education level or license might not be acceptable or compatible with the position. Be sure to do your homework and research before applying and ask your recruiter how they can assist you with these endeavors. Most agencies will be able to help you with obtaining an out-of-state license and some may even have contracts that accept any state license.
Some of the differences between states might include how employees are being taxed, alternative payment methods, and other challenges. Being in a new location might involve cultural differences, various foods we aren’t accustomed to, and other parts of being in a different area of the country. However, this is part of the fun in traveling by exploring new culinary presentations and embracing people who are different from us. Many travel nurses find it rewarding to learn about new cultures, customs, and even native foods in the areas they work in.
Finding the Ideal Job
Just like any career, finding the ideal job placement on the first assignment isn’t always a successful endeavor. While the travel nurse industry is a competitive marketplace, the best thing to do is get started and be open-minded. While you might not think a certain job offers the best setting, location, and other attributes on your first try, give it a chance and let your recruiter guide you.
Finding the ideal placement is definitely a possibility for those willing to have an open mind and in the end, you’ll likely get more assignments along the way. Also, as more opportunities arise, those who have travel nurse experience will know what to look for in the future.
Being Away From Friends and Family
Those whose careers involve extensive traveling can sometimes feel lonely when they’re separated from friends and family for extended periods of time. Thanks to today’s technology we can still keep in touch with relatives and acquaintances using apps like Duo and Zoom. These types of platforms are not only available at no charge on most levels, but they’re also easily accessible and work on most electronic devices.
Nurses are also welcome to join groups on Facebook with like-minded individuals to make new friends. Remember, typically these travel options last for 13 weeks while it’s not uncommon to receive assignments that range anywhere from 8 to 26 weeks.
Getting Temporary Housing
Working temporary jobs often means staying in a motel or hotel in these new locations. But these housing options aren’t your only choice when you’re on the road. There’s a list of spaces and places available to rent short term including:
- As most of us are already aware, Airbnb has available apartments, homes, condominiums, and more all over the country
- Check out the temporary housing section on Craig’s List for other possibilities
- Similar to Airbnb, Funnel Leasing also matches prospective tenants with landlords for short-term stays
- Some traveling nurses enjoy extended stay hotels that offer housekeeping services, clean linen, towels, and more
- Depending on where your assignment is, onsite housing can be arranged through the facility if you work with your agency’s Housing Department
Many people seeking traveling nursing jobs will specifically look for employment where they already have friends or family where they can stay during their temporary position. If you’re not staying with people you know, be sure to speak with your agency’s Housing Department for their best advice on what to do and not do before signing a lease or leaving for your assignment.
Working With New People and Making New Friends
Other challenges traveling nurses face is working with new people and making new friends. While we touched on the latter subject previously in connecting with people on the internet, it’s more often difficult in the real world. Luckily, co-workers are likely to become friends both on shift and off the clock. Just be yourself and don’t get discouraged if it takes time to warm up to some people.
When it comes to working with new people, you’ve already got the medical experience and patient care advocacy in common and these folks need your help in filling this position. Most often they’re happy to see you since your offering vital assistance in their workforce. Remember to listen and observe your fellow nurses for the best way to interact with others in a new setting.
Finding the Right Recruiter
While positions for a traveling RN are plentiful, finding placements for these professionals can be challenging. Thankfully, there’s a searchable option for positions available across the country. Here at AB Staffing, we’ve been named America’s Best Professional Recruiting Firm by Forbes to ensure you’ll find the best, highest-paying positions available in contract nursing.
We also provide resources for those seeking employment in the field of medicine. Along with exploring jobs for travel nurses, physicians, advanced practice, or allied health, we also regularly provide relative information and articles posted on our blog. Stay up to date with everything that’s new, trending, and happening in the medical world for travel medical professionals If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact us today.