In Travel Assignments, Travel Nurse

Years ago I worked for a company that allowed us to wear workout clothes one day a week and on that day, they offered a yoga class. We called it Workout Wednesday and the benefits extended beyond the one day a week we wore yoga pants to our office job. It was a mindset shift. I found that simple changes like daily walking and weekly yoga kept me in good shape and connected to my colleagues. We were a better team because we had a goal to stay fit while on assignment.

Are you ready to stay fit while on assignment? 

Do you want to lose weight? Are you training for a marathon? Will your sleep improve if you’ve worked out before bedtime? Whatever your reason, set a measurable goal and track your progress. Keep in mind that while your weight is an indicator of health, it’s not the only factor.

Whether it’s to lose weight, improve sleep, or decrease stress, being active is an important part of overall travel nurse health. Not everyone has the opportunity to work out at an on-site gym and if you do, take advantage of it! The next time someone asks you for coffee, ask if they’d like to walk and talk.

Just 30 minutes of moderate activity per day improves physical and mental health in adults. Park farther away. Take the stairs. Track your steps. Get creative.

My friend received a Fitbit as a gift and is obsessed with getting 10,000 steps, approximately five miles, per day. When she’s short on steps, she marches around her living room while watching her favorite television shows just to meet her goal. You can do the same or even give your workout a bigger boost by going up and downstairs while watching television or talking on the phone. Not only will it improve your heart health, you can keep in touch with friends and family.

Workouts can be done anywhere.

Stay Fit While On Assignment

Go for a walk when the weather is good. Go for a hike and soak up some sun. Take up a winter sport if you’re working in snowy areas and if the weather is too cold or too hot, workout at your house, or on assignment.

Exercise bands, hand weights, steps, and YouTube videos can be as good as or even better than a gym workout. That’s because you’re using your own weight and pushing your body further than you might if you worked out on equipment.


If you prefer a traditional gym, consider a membership to a national chain that can be used at locations across the country. Use Groupon and other sites to find deals on local gyms wherever you’re working.


Fitness trackers like the ones we mentioned earlier are a great way to see your progress and challenge yourself to do more. Non-scale victories like fitting in a different size or being able to walk a farther distance or run a mile in less time are great motivators to continue on your fitness path.

How to stay fit while on assignment is challenging but you can set yourself up to succeed by setting goals, identifying activities that you like, and being creative. See our full list of job openings for 2018. Here’s to your good health!

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